Top 10 Climbing Access Victories of 2014 Nationwide

2014 has been an amazing year for climbing access! We invite you to look back with us on the work that thousands of members, volunteers, and climbing advocates across the country helped make possible this year. The Access Fund has combined forces with Salt Lake Climbers Alliance for the good of climbers and climbing access in the Salt Lake City area and across the country. By combining membership, you can receive benefits from both organizations for the cost of one! We need your support to end the year strong, putting us in the best position to continue protecting America’s climbing next year both locally and nationally.

1. If you’re not already a member or your membership has expired, would you join or renew today? For the next five days, you can join or renew for 20% off!

2. Would you help spread the word by passing this graphic and link along to your climbing friends and partners and asking them to support the SLCA & Access Fund?

3. Send an e-mail, post it on Facebook, or make a couple of phone calls—whatever works best for you.

The SLCA & Access Fund have had a fantastic year! The victories in this graphic are just a small sample of all the work we achieved this year, thanks to the dedicated support of climbers and advocates like you.

We appreciate your support!


Your friends at the Access Fund & SLCA

af end of year photo


Events, NewsJulia Geisler