Graffiti Clean Up in Little Cottonwood Canyon

SLCA, Crimson Climbing Collective, the University of Utah Climbing Team, and the Westminster Climbing Club Scrub Graffiti in Little Cottonwood CanyonWith the help of the Salt Lake Climber Alliance, members of the Crimson Climbing Collective, the University of Utah Climbing Team, and the Westminster Climbing Club gathered in Little Cottonwood Canyon on April 14th, 2017 to clean up the bouldering area on the south side of the canyon along the Temple Quarry Trail. After a brief safety talk, we set about applying Elephant Snot to rocks covered with graffiti while others picked up trash. By the end of the day, we had collected more than 5 bags of trash and several discarded camp chairs. We worked to minimize campfire impacts by dispersing ash and charred branches and dismantling fire rings. After a lot of scrubbing and spraying, we were successful in removing graffiti off Big Boy, Moon Rock, and several other boulders in the area. As climbers and recreationalists, it is disappointing to see Little Cottonwood and other areas in the Wasatch neglected and mistreated. Nevertheless, the dedication of the volunteers who participated is inspiring. Although the morning of the event was beautiful and perfect climbing weather, these volunteers dedicated their time to give back to community and the environment. It was wonderful to see the passion that young climbers have for protecting the Wasatch. Thank you to everyone who came or helped out with the planning process!

Alysa Edwards

Student President

Crimson Climbing Collective

University of Utah

StewardshipJulia Geisler